Attempting SAHM aka Summer Holidays
I am torn. Truthfully, I wish I was still torn. During the year, I spent lots of time out and about preparing for lessons / teaching / grading papers etc. I always felt like the time invested in school was being stolen from my children. So I constantly complained that I felt torn. I got excited watching the calendar near summer. Finally, I would be able to focus on my kids, craft, drive toy cars around the house, cook nice meals, tidy my closets, laze around at home... Not quite. Instead, I am busy hopping from park to park when I'm not wasting time at the computer and scattering clutter across my home. I was starting to doubt my mothering. I finally have the time to spend with my kids, yet.... Then I read this post and I realized that I'm doing something right. Sure, I am out frequently and my toddler is in day care almost full-time (something I really dislike, but we'll leave that for another time...). Thing is, when he is home and awake I aim to be 10...