The Bots

 I started this blog when I was a mother of 2 and just needed a space of my own to vent and express. Went through phases of using it, never quite putting my full name to my pieces. At one point 10 years in (mid Covid when all pretences to facades went out the windows!) I linked a video of myself, basically finally sharing my identity. 

Even so, I still don't use the blog as a primary way of sharing. It's scary to be authentic. The perfectionist in me wants to go back through every old post and censor them all. Always worried about what others will think of me...

And yet I'm writing that as a blog piece! Have all my filters dropped? 🤪 

One fascinating thing that happened in the void was *THE BOTS*

Oh the comments they left! The first time I noticed them in the form of 15 comments on one post I  actually thought I'd achieved fame.  Ha!

There were 83 fake comments :(
 And some of them were flattering too...

I've cleaned them up now and will keep a closer eye on spammers in the future.  The reason I'm posting about this is I realised what an excellent moshol it is for Klipah.

The whole idea of Klipah is that it has no existence of its own. Technically the term means "cover" or "peel". The real core reality and very existence  of the world is words of Hashem being constantly repeated. What we see and feel and experience is due to the layers of filters He placed over the whole shabang to enable free choice. 

So how does Klipah get its existence? I'm glad you asked! Being a side creation it doesn't get direct charge from Hashem. Instead, it sucks up droplets of life from any leakages in the system it can find. Kind of like the bots on my blog. They found an empty, inviting home. A space that was open and just available. So like squatters they came in and made themselves comfortable. But they are not the point! So in the case of this blog Geulah has come because now they are deleted. 



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