New Beginnings
I feel like it's been years since my last post here. Technically it's only a year and 3 months, but that's not the point. I've been thinking a lot about why I have this blog in particular and an online presence in general. For starters, I'm going to state my intentions with the title. It's been 7 years and I never made the "about" page. So here's to letting go of perfectionism and making ‘baby step’ progress! 💥💜🙌

It is my firm belief that life’s challenges and experiences can be perfected and enjoyed via developing a healthy, growth mindset. Sure, this requires huge effort but this sort of internal success is an incredibly empowering experience and makes for an immensely satisfying journey.

When I named the blog, it was a cute quote from my toddler but also had profound personal significance. I felt like “Focusing My Inner Mindset” was the most powerful tool available to me and I wanted to share the journey and hopefully inspire others.

It took me a while to realise not all people function that way. I remember when a friend asked for travel tips when taking the family on an overseas trip. My response was the mindset required for success, while she was looking for a list of snacks and activities. Sure, those are important, nay, crucial for a successful outcome, but for me the rationale always comes first.  

Blessing you and I with success in identifying and articulating the values/rationsale and then implementing them in day-to-day life.
"New Beginnings"
Rose photographed in St. Kilda Botanical Gardens, Sivan 5778


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